Thursday, September 18, 2008

Working Mobile!

Drum roll! So after saving my money for a long time I finally invested in a blackberry. I think as a mom when we want to save money for our own personal needs and wants, it gets difficult because our children, husband, and others are always coming first. I don't know how many times I had put off purchasing this phone because other things always came up and my needs were always secondary. So I waited over a year just because I didn't want to spend $500 for it...I know many already have blessed their lives with this gadget...but for me, this little baby is what is going to allow me to work from my car, on vacation, and literally anywhere I go- GOIN MOBILE BABY! Everything on my laptop is in this device and I can't wait to be able to have the freedom that I've always wanted. Seriously for those who work from home and have clientele and emails to respond to, this is it! Already planning my trips; California next month, Australia in December, and working from anywhere I go. Thanks Blackberry, you are the sweetest phone I've come to own!
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Lavi said...

well aren't you and my mom just twins! hahhaa i'm jealous but i am going to hold off on getting a new luxurious piece of equipment like everyone else and stick with my go hard er go home phone! hahahahaha niiiiiiiice though, very niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!

ma'elePHOTO said...

Hey... peach croc skin- AWESOME!!!! I wish I was as cool and could get off trying to act busy on a blackberry (lol!). Unfortunately everyone that knows me, KNOWS I ain't got but 5 things to do everyday!(hehehehe)... Love your nice little gadget!

OMI said...

Do you like it!? I've been buggin nick about it for days now. I can't decide if I want to get a blackberry or an ipod. I have no reason for wanting one more than the other...because I know nothing about either. Let me know what you think about it! I'll get you in on the next dinner! Love ya

OMI said...

that was my editing sucks

Pahulu Family said...

Om, personally I think I would prefer the iphone just because it isn't too busy and you don't have to deal with all the buttons. If I didn't have a contract with tmobile and if my work were able to synch with the iphone I think I would of totally gone with it. I'm still learning to use this blackberry and it's been a challenge because there is so much to know. Anyways, can't wait for the next dinner! Lavs and I are so excited to learn. We should get together know Ms. Faye moved to Texas with her fam, it didn't take her long to convince Junior to get there....much love!