Friday, July 18, 2008

Finally I can Relax!

Presenting in front of hundreds of people was definitely nerve breaking! But what a relief to have that all behind me. I think we are all our worst critics when it comes to these situations. For 3 days straight I was presenting about materials related to mentoring, motivating, and empowerig others. Being that my current occupation consists of motivating college students to get through their education, and having past experience to rely on, things went pretty well. However, there is always that fear that someone may question your technique or disagree with your research, and that is what I fear. I'd like to think that I'm good with confrontation but not all the time. Overall though, each presentation went really well and I got nothing but good feedback, that by my last presentation I was seeking for some real critical feedback that could help me improve if needed. All I can say is that by the time I arrived home, nothing else was on my mind other than being with my family! Anytime I leave home, my welcome is such a treat as my children usually are running to the door, screaming, "Moms home!" and then followed with hugs and kisses. It is those simple acts of love, and small moments of time that I live for! To feel valued, appreciated, and loved just pushes me to be a better mother, wife, and daughter. It is these kind of moments that help me to get through the day, or to forget about the challenges that I may have. My family is what reinforces me to push harder each day to fulfill my goals and make my life so worthwhile. The accomplishments of my life is measured by the love within my family. I love my children so much and am grateful for their pure acts of unconditional love!

1 comment:

Lavi said...

Sein, you are freaking amazing!!!! I think you need to use those motivating tools to finish college on me!!! hahaha Thanks for being so awesome!!!